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Wedding advice and etiquette can be a weird thing, especially when you’re talking about alternative and offbeat weddings. We pride ourselves on our compassionate focus on constructive, respectful communication and focus on conflict resolution.

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Non-cheesy songs for the mother/groom dance

We have a post about non-sappy father/daughter dance songs, but we don’t have one about mother/son dances. Let’s rectify this!

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Are you over-planning your Disney World honeymoon? (+3 secret Disney World travel tips)

Like looking at wedding inspo, is there a time when you need to stop the honeymoon planning? When does being prepared become over-thinking everything? Offbeat Bride member juliegolick explores this question while giving all you Disney World geeks TONS of travel tips…

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How to make your wedding feel small and intimate without cutting the guest list

My friends’ small wedding was so full of love and they really made all of their guests feel like each one was a critical piece of who they were as a couple. My future husband said to me, as we left, that he really felt honored to be there. The problem: There’s no way my future husband and I can cut our guest list to under 100 people. So how do we make our wedding feel small and intimate without being able to cut the guest list? I think we discovered the answer…

destination wedding decor alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The 10 things to help you keep calm and plan a destination wedding

I have been planning my destination wedding for over a year. I’m part of several destination weddings forums and I’ve heard my share of horror stories. So take what I say with a grain of salt, but here is some advice that might help newbie destination couples keep their sanity while planning their wedding.

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Tales from a tuxedo shop: The 5 things you should know about tuxedo rental and fittings

You have decided you want the guys or gals all done up in tuxedos. Yay! That’s awesome. However, you might be not sure where to start. I am the store manager at a family owned tuxedo rental shop in Indiana, and I love my job. I will be the first to say you do not need to rent tuxes if you don’t want to, but today I am going to go over what you should know if you do…

embrace the awkward alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Embrace the awkward

I went to a wedding this past weekend and I really enjoyed the it. It was great. But what I did notice was that there were some SERIOUSLY awkward moments…