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Who the hell cares: important lessons from partners who aren’t as interested in wedding planning

One detail that’s been plaguing me ever since I bought my dress has been figuring out what I’m going to do with the length. So I go back and forth, back and forth, on this decision. The past six weeks or so, I was gung-ho about getting it shortened. Then, one night, I was telling my partner about how I was once again reconsidering. While I listed out the pros and cons of leaving my dress full-length, I could see his eyes begin to glaze over. “Mm-hmm,” he said as I talked, stifling a yawn. Which was when I realized: Who the hell cares?

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Tough conversations about marriage: why an online prenup is a good start

Recently, an old friend of mine decided to have a non-legal commitment ceremony… a commitzvah, they called it. For various reasons, she and her dude decided they didn’t want to legally get married, but you know what they did instead? They sat down with a lawyer, and had some really, really difficult conversations and worked out a legally-binding commitment agreement. Conversations about money. Conversations about children and aging parents. Conversations about fidelity and divorce. Realistically, because they opted to build their legally-binding commitment from scratch, they had conversations that many of us planning state-recognized marriages don’t have.

18924027955 594161c363 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

6 reasons why wedding planning seems to make everyone act crazy

In the wake of some drama with our families, I’ve been reading a bit on why wedding planning seems to make people act crazy and unreasonable. And I think I’ve come to some conclusions on why both of our families are being so bloody difficult throughout this whole process.

click 5420483 10746449 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Zygotic relationships: How getting married is like forming DNA strands

Ever think about how merging lives is like creating DNA strands? I sure didn’t… until one groom (of I am not a Bride fame) started talking about “Are you building up to the 10 fingers and the 10 toes?” And then it all made sense! Ah science and love, what a match you make.

inhale confidence exhale doubt alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Do I really want to marry you? When doubts are a good thing.

I have doubts. I wanted to blame them on the stress of planning the wedding but I couldn’t lie to myself. I have always had them. So after one particularly long and emotionally draining day, I talked to my partner about my doubts and even created an action list of thing we should do to move forward. These are just a few of the things we’ve decided to work on together, and maybe they’ll inspire similar discussions for you and your partner, with equally positive results.

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How buying a new car with my partner triggered cold feet

I never would have expected that my first bout of chilly feet would be triggered by a beautiful new car. I know cold feet can mean many things, and has an alarming sound to it. So let me define my version of it.