Behold this pinball bride in our Monday Montage

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The number of GUH-MAZING photos pouring into the Offbeat Bride pool this summer is totally overwhelming me, and while I always want to feature some of my favorite weddings as full wedding profiles, that can take a long time. Lots of brides don't submit their profiles until they have their professional photos, as as we all know — that can take months. So what to do when I see a photo I'm dying to feature, but don't have the full story yet?


You can totally click the photos below to get more details . Oh, and where possible, I've tried to note the photographers who took the shots.

Still Punk Rock
Too freaking cute! The crinoline! The cons! The glasses! The little anime hair buns! dies of omgcute

Rainbow wedding dress on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why, I haven't seen a rainbow dress like this since Anya's wedding last year and HOLY HELL. I love rainbow dresses. Just love them. Sarah looks smashing here in her's, and as a bonus: check out the rainbow felt bouquet!

And there was a VW van named Ursula involved:
Jack & Sarah & Ursula

And then there was this shot:


I actually got an amazing email from a reader named Mary-Beth about the bride pictured above:

As soon as I saw this woman, she became one of the most inspirational brides I've ever seen if not the most ever. What I find inspiring about this bride is how she unashamedly shows off her beautiful body art and looks beautiful and happy while doing it. Seeing this, and the huge smiles on her face throughout her wedding, gave me every confidence that staying true to ourselves with our wedding will give us the greatest joy. Just seeing this bride and her happiness has inspired me and I hope it inspires others to love themselves and add to that love however they see fit.

Coco has tried contacting the bride to get more information … none yet, but we'll keep trying!

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