Japanese inspired, “Geeky love” wedding invites

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Ah Geek Week, you keep producing such gems…

Take a gander at OBT member Lara drew and designed their invitations, giving nods to Japanese animation studio Studio Ghibli, and Zelda: The Wind Walker. And even if you're not geeky enough to get the references… they look freaking AMAZING! (As you view them keep in mind that the three images are supposed to sit next to each other.)

mountain alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

[From Lara's wedding update:] Steve and I went to Japan and saw a giant statue of that robot, which is from a Studio Ghibli film. It was while on that visit that Steve first asked me to marry him, so it is sort of special to us both!

sea alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)
This Link in a boat action is from Lara's favorite video game, Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker. Of extra geek love magic: Lara's planning to include the theme to Windwaker during their ceremony AND she's drawing the maps in a Zelda style!

us alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

If you love these invites as much as I do (and that's a lot) then you're in luck! Lara does commissions, so if anyone is interested they can email her — she does discounts for Offbeat Brides. And if your in the mood for more wonderful and geeky designs check out Lara's website.

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