Distance between wedding ceremony and reception: How far away is too far?

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GenCJ-0789I've found the perfect reception venue after many sleepless nights! We are having a big ceremony at our church with afternoon tea to follow, and are then having a “smallish” reception with 50 people, mostly family.

I've realized, though, that the place where I would love to have the reception is over half an hour away from the church. I'm guessing this would be a big drive, especially for the out-of-towners (and there are a lot).

What do you think? How important is location in your venue search? I don't want to be “that wedding we went to where we had to drive so far to have dinner!” But do you settle for a venue you don't really like for the sake of convenience to your guests? -Anonymous

The answer to this will largely depend on where your wedding is taking place. If it's in a big city, half-an-hour can be a relatively close distance! Again, time and distance is all relative, but it does beg the question: How far is too far between ceremony and reception venues?

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