The moment we saw this photo, we were like “whoa.” And I immediately contacted the Amy, the bride, to get the scoop on this unique bouquet alternative. Here's the low-down plus more Barbie-licious photos…

Close up of the Lady Minions with their Barbies

I am and have always been a huge Barbie fan, I've been in love with Barbie since I was three. When my husband and I got engaged we started playing with ideas for incorporating our two favorite childhood things — for me, Barbie, for him the movie Flash Gordon. At some point early on (I think drinking was involved) I had the idea that instead of bouquets the girls could carry big poofy dressed Barbies.



The Barbies used are all dolls that I loved as a little girl. Each of the bridesmaids (we called them Minions) picked her own doll from my collection. One of my girls was so excited because she picked Angel Face Barbie (white lace top, pink skirt) which is a doll she and her sister fought over when they were little.

Happy, spinny bride

Another reason I loved the Barbie idea is because my mother is a florist. While of course I wanted her to do all my flowers, I also wanted her to just be my mom on my wedding day — not be my florist. At one point I was going to carry a Barbie bride doll as my bouquet, but my mom really wanted to make my bouquet — so, real flowers for me!


We also had a Barbie cake. Although the initial plan was to have no cake, it evolved into a Barbie cake of the type that I'd had as a little girl. My friend Jenny baked the cake in my mother's kitchen the day before the wedding and I knitted a green overskirt for her to match mine. Justin's Ming the Merciless action figure joined Barbie on the cake and my Mom gave Barbie a bouquet. And my name on our invites was patterned after the '80s Barbie logo. Ming the Merciless was also on the cake and Justin (my husband's) name on the invite was patterned after the Flash Gordon logo.

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