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wedding planning

Here's how you can totally battle wedding planning fatigue

Here’s how you can totally battle wedding planning fatigue

About seven months ago, I leaped back into my online inspiration boards and budget sheets, dusting off the wedding planning corners of my mind that have since laid dormant since 2014. My sister is getting married in about a month (hooray!), and after noticing that my DIY experience was not a total hot mess, she […]

Our wedding was a financial wake-up call

Our wedding was a financial wake-up call (and our lessons learned!)

After catching up post-wedding and entirely overhauling our finances, I can see all the places we went wrong. Whenever people ask how we knew it was time to restructure our finances, I answer with one thing — our wedding. This one event clarified a world of issues with our financial well-being, or lack thereof. And so, in addition to the standard simplifying and DIY projects that helped me through the process, here is some invaluable advice with which we walked away…

hidden wedding costs that can blow your wallet

13 hidden wedding costs that can blow your wallet

Wedding budgets are the necessary evil of an already fraught-with-drama time in your life. There are all kinds of things that’ll balloon your wedding budget from necessary undies to last-minute tailoring to extra guests showing up. The best defense is a good offense by knowing what hidden wedding costs may sneak in and how to be ready for them.

Also, we have a quick one-question wedding budget survey that will help us craft editorial with you in mind!

"I never imagined having a wedding until we did": how to throw a non-wedding wedding

I never imagined having a wedding until we did: how to throw a “non-wedding”

No one ever thought I would get married. Except I actually love weddings! I watch bridal shows and browse the stories and DIY projects on Offbeat Bride. When friends get married I’m super happy for them. But I can’t stand the thought of having a big wedding party for myself or see myself as a princess in white. We decided to get married anddecided to throw a party. Therein we have our challenge…

why procrastinators need a wedding planner Photo by Jenn Emerling Photography alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

5 butt-saving reasons I need my wedding planner

Turns out wedding planners just have all this outside-of-the-box knowledge that EVEN WORKING ON A WEDDING BLOG doesn’t give you.

Fortunately I’m not in Full Panic Mode, because I did the number one thing I advise everyone to do: I got myself a wedding planner, and it’s the best best best thing I did. Here’s why…

Download the complete wedding planning spreadsheet set from @offbeatbride #weddingplanning #weddingspreadsheets #weddingbinder

Planning tools 101: your wedding vendor contact sheet

We launched a comprehensive and totally customizable document of wedding planning spreadsheets in Google Drive if you’re the type to get down with spreadsheets like I am. We’ve featured a lot of them already, and now we’re sharing the wedding vendor contact sheet to help you organize all your vendor contacts (and have them ready for us in case you submit your wedding!).